Wednesday 29 February 2012

The 30-year itch America's Nuclear Industry Struggles to get off the Floor

This article talks about Barrack Obama's current address to the American people. In the speech he talked about all the energy and resources that would produce jobs and fuel the American economy. The only resource he did not mention was nuclear energy, even though it roduces one fifth of all American power. The reason for this is 64% of the American population does not want to use nuclear power as such a big resource beause of all the things that have gone wrong with it like in Japan, and Russia and other places in the world.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

European Union to Vote on Canadian Oil Sands Pollution

This article from BBC news, talks about an issue that has been going on in Canada for a long time now. The issue is none other than the Alberta Tar Sands, which the European Union is now voting on for a draft legislation that will say if Canadas oil sands are too damaging or energy intensive. This issue is also affecting the Indiginous people of the areas where the oil sands are. Theses people live off the land for food and natural medicines, and they say it is not uncommon to see something wrong with the animals they hunt or the plants they gather because of the pollution that the oil sands are causing. Many of their natural hunting grounds like the Boreal Forrests have been deforested because of the oil sands. Now the indiginous people are starting a legal case about how the oil sands are disrupting their traditional ways of life, even though the oil companies say they are doing whatever they can to clean up the mess they have brought upon the indiginous peoples.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

This article discusses the issue of the oil and chemical resource industry in our poor economy today. The article states that with oil going up in price, many other chemical resources are going up too. This, in effect is hurting the people who buy these resources and use them, or distribute them. The Continent of Europe is declining with their investments in the oil and chemical industry, which is no surprise to me with their depleting economy, but Asia is putting more money into these resources because they have a booming industry which has resulted in their rapid growth, economically as a continent.