Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Sudan’s air forces bombs oilfields in Unity State,42050
On March 26, 2012, the Sudanese Armed Forces or SAF bombed oil fields in South Sudan's Unity State. The
 bombing was a result of clashes between the SAF and the the army from South Sudan called the Saudan People's Liberation Army or SPLA in the oil-rich town of Heglig. Sout Sudan's president Salva Kiir anounced that his army the SPLA took over Heglig, and that the clash was brought on by the SFA's aggression. The clashes in Heglig  and aerial bombings between the SFA and SPLA ended a period of relative peace between the recently-separated countries. The confrontation now makes the possiblity of an all out war more possible. I think that this bombing in Heglig is terrible because this hurts both parts of Sudan, because now the idea of war between them is a greater possibility and I don't think either country needs that right now because they are still trying to establish themselves as separate countries.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Keystone XL pipeline: Obama to oil progress as pump prices rise

This article talks about how Obama is faring with the oil industry in his presidency. He is going on a trip to Mexico and making many stops along the way. In Cushing, Oklahoma Obama announce that he is planning to start work on the Keystone XL pipeline before the presidential elections start. The pipeline will stretch from the Alberta tar sands to Port Arthur, Texas. Obama has been criticized a great deal for the rising gas prices in America by the Republican Presidential Candidates like Mitt Romney. The gas price per gallon in the U.S. has hit $4.00 in some States. I think that Obama needs to do something about the rising oil prices, but he is putting  a great deal of thought into different sources of energy like Solar and Wind powered energy, so I guess that's a good thing.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

This article talks about the nuclear didaster that happened in Fukushima, and how it has now been almost a year since the disaster occured because of faulty nuclear reactors. Since then, many things have been going on in Japan to ensure that this problem is getting dealt with. The Rebuild Japan Initiative has been started which has gotten alot of suport from people outside of Japan and around the world, and some of them are actors. The Intitiative also did an investigation into how the nuclear disaster happened, and talked with key players like the Tokyo Electric Power Company, to discuss if it could have been prevented. The overall consensus was that they were not prepared for such a disaster to happen. I think that they should have prepared much more than they did since Japan relies heavily on nuclear energy, and a disaster like Fukushima should have been prevented.